Nice cake right?
Specially dedicated to someone special..
*So Sweet*

Hoho.. I just finished watching TWILIGHT and MADAGASCAR online... both were like so so only... haha
oh.. starting from tuesday,
Morning, me, freda, cheryl and sally went back to the AGAPE childcare to carry out post test which was accessed by philip koh...
Then after that went back to school to meet waihan, wanxuan an audrey for the AYC project.
Hoho.. busy hor?
Then still nvm.. stayed in the library with huifen, darling and others till like 5pm...
Then went to huifen;s house to get a jacket cause its very very very cold..
Then went to meet sharon, weijie and yong ming for dinner... at a very very very ex restaurant where Nic is now working at (Pioneer Wharf @ JP)
Then went down to austwine to celebrate dion's b'dae... stayed till quite late.
Only reached home at 2 plus..
The following day which was wednesday,
Me met audrey, wannxuan and yunping at 10 in school to do brochure project
Then met freda, cheryl and sally at 1 plus to do IEP...
After that went to work and reached home at 11 plus...
Hmm... I went to Columbia childcare in the morning 9 plus with huifen
Then... Meet freda they all for project in school...
Then rushed off to work.. reached home at 12 i think...
Friday, which is yesterday
initially supposed to reached centre at 10 to do post test with kiefer, but i did not go....
Then at night, meet huimin at taka to celebrate her b'dae... haah... (although not really celebrating cause only the 2 of us). Had dinner at breeks and the ppl there very passionate as they sang b'dae song for her... ahha....
Hmm.. after that went down to austwine then didn't expect dion to open wine*really
I drank a bit... (ok.. considered alot) but not drunk for sure because i still can drive home..
Today i slept till the latest cause i had nothing on... wahhaaha...
Only meeting huifen for dinner tonight... lolx...