/Lets tauk 3baout jiest3dai f3rst/.. (lets talk about yesterday first)..
/Hepi:/ , /espesi3li:
Happy, especially during science lesson...
Cause we had bubble play...
Cause we had bubble play...

Ok la.. that is not the most interesting one..
The interesting part is when my field sup told me that she's sick and could not tell me whether I passed or not..
Then today.. 2 tests.. Phew...
Wahahhaaa. first test, CD2.2.. (dunno what I write = gone case)
Wahahhahahaaam, second test, AST(advance speech training/decoding) -- still ok..
Went to town with my grandma and mother... WOW.. I'm so filial right? haha..
Oh ya.. and.. I went to cut my hair just now.. lol.. looks abit weirds leh... ;P

Just glad that I didn't got lost there.. *secret smilez*
After recieving freda's call to say she passed, I picked up the courage to call my field sup..
And HA!!
Guess what she said?
"Bao Zhen, I've think that your lesson really needs to be improved. You should blah blah blah (can't really remember).. blah blah blah blah blah.. Thus, I've managed to give you a _____ PASS. You really should..... and I hope ........"
My reply was.. oh ok, thank you very much, I will, ok, thanks I will, ok and bye bye.. LOL!!