Never care about your friend's feelings..
Want to quit also nv tell us.. win liao lo..
OK I scold finish le... C=

The funny part is when everyone staying at my side took photos after teacher left, forgetting that directors are still around.. waahhahaha
Yun lin most funny.. We all are ready, she sit there and daydream.. lol...

Just now hui fen, denise, cheryl, audrey and me went to cafe cartel AGAIN..

Do we really have to go cafe cartel everytuesday whenever we have to do project?
Hmm maybe sometimes can la.. but I think I'll be very poor if I continue like this..

Although we had a great time there.. spending 2 hours eating, 30 mins playing murderer, 30 mins chatting and only some time for project.. haha.. C=
省省省.. BZ is the best!! YAY!!
ok a case scenerio, you help me solve can? (it happened on a friend of mine)
My friend - Miss A..
Ok now, my friend Miss A met a friend, B at her poly. A was very happy knowing B and soon they became very close friends. But after a year, A realised that B was abit irritating and started to keep a distance from her. B didn't know that B was trying to keep a distance from her, instead, she keep on clinging onto A. A's emotions went from very happy to abit unpleasant. B thought that A was just having mood swing. A didn't mentioned anything and B was more and more irritating to A. A found out that B has revealed her true colours after this year. B is very commanding, always wants to win, has attitude problem, sometimes will throw her anger at A without realising that she's wrong. B often ask A to do things that A doesn't want.
Oh!! My poor friend.. love you.. dun sad k?
Is A too much?
Has anyone encounted things like this before?
How to solve?
What should A do?
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