Today I'll blog everything at one go...
Long long time ago after my last assignment submission, the following day I thought there are no more projects which to my surprise, one more assignment suddenly pop out and I was asked by one of my groupmate to do the project ASAP by that night!!
OoO.. too bad.. cannot sleep early liao..
Then the following day, wooohoo happy!! OVERSLEPT, thus, late for lesson. Then nevermind, my classmates tried to call (because there is a ppt presentation that morning) but the teacher sarcastically told my classmates, "let her sleep"...
THEN SLEEP LO!!! (I totally missed that lesson) wahahaha..
Dead X=
Then nvm.. this night, finally can sleep early le,
I did the things for my math learning corner then I didn't realised that the time is already 3 plus am.. lol
Then, I took my ITA test beforehand because that day got cca rehearsal and also got excuse form.. weeehheee... Done!! Finally don't need to bother about projects already right? UHUHUH.. WrOnG wRoNg WrOnG
Still got cca to rush..
Thursday morning I board the bus, then something funny happened..
There are plenty of seats around, the bus looks normal.
But, I have 2 friends who do not know each other seating at different seats which are quite near. Both looked at me, then I look at both of them and smile, then I walk to another seat which is convenient to talk to both of them and sit down..
After the first lesson on thursday morning,

And when we reach, we saw everyone already getting ready and almost finish packing the things. Then I realised that they are more poor creatures!! woohhoo..
Anyway the first lesson is also a farewell lesson for our lecturer "agnes dieu"..
She is quitting and that is our last lesson with her.. so sad.. she a good lecturer.. **MOST IMP.. Got cake eat!! so good..

Upon reaching the arts house, I'm tired. Really really tired. Ok la.. reach there a least can rest a while after unpacking all the things.. My "a while" means a few minutes.. hehe..
Daddy came and fetch me home, of course with the "24 hour busybody-guard" around him..

Took cab down to raffles with jing ting... CAB FARE WAS WONDERFUL!! (peak hour)
Another tiring day at the arts house awaiting for our first performance. (but before that is rehearsals, etc) Then make-up.. Of course after make up must take pics right? haha..

And finally the last morning??
No not yet.. Lets see..
Saturday morning, went to meet my friend in np..
I must be crazy..
Then I'm late again,, a... no no no..
I took cab down, so I'm early..
Waa.. took cab again.. spent alot of money hor.. lol.. Then nvm.. Under the hot sun, I went to buy the things needed for saturday!! WEEHEE.. Of course with 2 noisy fellas.. (keep bullying me) Eyer.. saturday's performance really got alot of mistakes lo.. (for me la.. dunnno the rest)
Went back to school of course to sleep!! but didn't really sleep.. because of the noises created and morning have to wake up early to go home.. (cause got work)
=( haiz.. they went to alameen to eat without me.. haiz )= Then my whole sunday (12hr 30 mins) was spent working. [in a sleepy mood]
Today morning... CAN'T SLEEP LATER TOO!!!!!!!! Need to go botanic garden at 10am to do science project..

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