YSETREADY i'M Wroknig..
Oh yeah.. fell down.. I also don't know why will fall de... haiz..
Anyway, my arm hit the basin then now already swollen le.. and got blue black.. very pain loxz.. haha.
Utnil 12.30... raeched Home At Aorund 1 PlUs. . . . . .
WOOOO... this is nothing.. This mroning WOKE up AT 9 plus JUST to get to cheryl's house for the baking session...
Cheryl, Me, Eileen, Freda and HuiFen(whom is late) all gatehred to bake COOKIES!!!!!!
Well I guess my right hand very unlucky.. cause always got hurt.. just now got burnt by the oven when baking.. lol..z
BAke.. and BAke.. And Bake... and bAke... and bKAe... and Bake... & bAKe.... ITS 4.40pm!!
Finally, each of us got 2 whole boxes of cookies.. Muahaha... but while we're baking, we're also eating.. so. after baking, I don't think anyone wants to eat the 2 whole boxes of cookies anymore.. hahaxz.. ahhhaa..
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