Haha.. A boring day at home againn!!!
Recently never update not because I very busy.. It's because I very lazy.. lolx
Haha. today i not lazy.. see.. I even got the time to edit my cute little photo until like that.. haha.. lol
These few days besides working, never went out much.. I decided not to drink so much alcoholic stuffs le..
I dun like the feeling of being drunk.. haha..
Yesterday went to austwine to drink the bottle of wine that i bought a month ago, the "rendezvous rose" wine with huimin...
lolx.. am I contradicting myself??
anyways.. I haven't got the photos that we took in cheryl's camera on freda's b'dae...
Oh yeah, that day freda's birthday hor, initially i thought sally, huifen, eileen all would turn up..
But in the very very very end, only me and cheryl celebrated for freda.. there was no cake.. but we still had fun..
We had dinner at MOF @ bugis, then we went cheryl's house to play mahjong (there are only 3 of us) lol.. hahax..
Obviously, luck is not with freda that day although it's her birthday...
She didn't win a round at all.. haha..
Happy moments doesn't last long as expected.. we still have to go home!!
oh friday night after work me, my sis and her bf went to play basketball as usual..
Then after that, we walked to a very far coffeeshop to buy supper..
LOL.. My exercise is wasted but haha.. playing basketball is not about exercising, it's about the fun!! woohoo!!
I reached home almost 1am that day then had supper and watch show.. It's still boring.. everything ended so fast...
As I have nothing to do, I'll watch "brown sugar chivalries"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you all wanna see another cute photo of me? haha.. dun wan la~~ later you all vomit.. haha..
Buayz =D
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